Saturday, December 15, 2007

my dream

Considering my latest blog about using toys on guys, you'll love this one!!

My husband is totally against ANYTHING near his ass. But last night, I had this messed up dream related to that.

Previously, I asked my husband if he had any fantasies that he hadn't told me, and he said no. So in my dream my husband and I were making out and he decided to tell me this fantasy that he was a little embarassed about.

He was afraid it would turn me off by this and a little nervous about telling me, but I kept telling him it was ok and that I wanted him to tell me.

So he brings out this pencil sized dildo and says he wants me to use it on him. Needless to say, I was incredibly turned off but I kept acting like I was interested, except his hand was on my p**sy and I was sooooooooo not getting wet. lol.

Thankfully I woke up before I used it on him!!!

I know maybe it's wrong, but I dont care to use anything on a guy. I fingured a guy once, who wanted to try it, but it totally didn't turn me on. Infact, it was kinda gross. But if my husband said he was into it, i'd do it.

Needless to say, I told him my dream and he was so grossed out, but we laughed about it. Infact, I was laughing as I was trying to tell the story, knowing how he doesn't want anything near his butt.

My comment to him was that "I never want to see the inside of your butt crack, unless you cut it, and I need to put neosporan on it." lol

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sex Toys on Men

Has anyone been asked by a bf or a fuck buddy to use a sex toy on them?

I knew this guy who LOVED giving me anal more so then anything else, and he was super feminine. So it got me thinking. Then after we stopped playing around with him, he told me how he bought a dildo and started trying to use it on himself. And he wanted to know how he can ask his current gf to use it on him lol.

I told him to kinda hint around the topic if he didn't think she'd be ok with it.

So I ask everyone, what would you do if your male significant other asked them to fuck them in the ass (to be blunt)